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Groene Gezonde Stad introductie

Groene Gezonde Stad introductie

Groene Cirkels

Groene Cirkels

Video Kaas en Bodemdaling

Video Kaas en Bodemdaling

Groene Cirkels

Groene Corridor

Groene Corridor

Groene Cirkels

Warmtelevering Leidse regio

Warmtelevering Leidse regio

Groene Cirkels

Other Green Circles projects

Creating a dream together?

One of the first phases of the Green Circles method is conceiving ‘the dream’.

Different partners create a common goal, that helps to realise a circular economy.

In close collaboration with the province of Zuid- Holland we interviewed a large number of people involved. We‘ve produced two video clips, that are show at the start of new Green Circles and Green Circle projects.

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